19 Şubat 2009 Perşembe



Ajman is one of the seven Emirates that makes up the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi is the federal capital whilst Dubai is regarded as the commercial capital of The UAE. Ajman is one of the Triangle Emirates close to Dubai and Sharjah. It is located strategically for business and living in the Center of U.A.E. With its continous progress and growing economy, Ajman would no doubt be a city to look forward to.This Project consist of seven 20-floor residential towers centered by a 23-floor administrative tower erected on a ring basis of 4 parking levels are designed by top experts for suitable housing.
Situaded in Ajman quite center on, the project is uniquely designed to afford privacy and splended view for all the rooms of the residential units comprising seven apartments maximum for each tower floor and equipped with three speedy elevators.
The 5th floor has a health club with a swimming pool, Each tower has also a seperate health club, a specious entrance and outside parks..


IBM to send blazing fast supercomputer to Energy Dept.

to send blazing fast supercomputer to Energy Dept.

This story has been
edited since it was published. See below for details.
IBM plans to announce
on Tuesday that it will supply the world's fastest supercomputer to the U.S.
Department of Energy in the next few years, according to numerous reports.
Not only will the machine, called Sequoia, be the fastest supercomputer to
date, it will blow the current record-holder out of the water.
IBM's Roadrunner,
located at the U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory, was
the first system to reach 1.026 petaflops (a petaflop is equal to a quadrillion
calculations per second; the "flops" stands for floating point operations per
second). But only seven months after the Roadrunner took top honors on a
twice-yearly list of the world's fastest
supercomputers, IBM is announcing that its successor will outdo it by an order
of magnitude. Sequoia will be able to work at a staggering 20 petaflops, the
equivalent of the computing power of 2 million laptops
to Reuters
IBM says it plans to deliver the Sequoia to the Energy
Department for use at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The
supercomputer will run simulations to test the soundness of the nation's
stockpile of nuclear weaponry,
according to the IDG News

Editor's note: When it was initially published, this story
cited data from another publication about Sequoia's energy usage. Several
readers doubted the validity of the data, and I have not been able to confirm
the figures. For now, that information has been removed.


Control Devices and Relays

What is innovative about KOBUS? In contrast to conventional systems (such as current loop 4 - 20 mA), only a single 2-pole cable is laid, to which up to 240 sensors can be attached. In order to get the same effect with 4 - 20 mA, 240 cables would have to be laid. Obviously, the KOBUS system has a giant advantage just in wiring alone. In addition, it is advantageous that the sensor modules (initially for temperature, moisture, voltage, and current) developed by us are priced comparably to the 4 - 20 mA transducers, which means that there are also no additional expenses - as with other expensive bus systems - for the user.

Data protection on the KOBOLD website
Wewould like to inform you of which information we gather, how we useyour data and how we handle it. We consider the protection of this personal data to be very important.
We gather personal data from ourcontact form for ordering catalogues. We only use the data you providein handling your catalogue order, answering queries and processing orders. We of course also use this data for updating our address list.
Withthe exception of other KOBOLD enterprises, we will neither sell thisdata to third parties nor market it in any other way. We thus only useyour data for direct co-operation purposes and to notify you of our new products and solutions.
If you have any questions about this topicyou can also use our contact form at Order Catalogue. We will then contact you straight away.
As we further develop our pages and theInternet we will of course also continue to update this information,and publish any changes. You can therefore keep yourself regularlyupdated on our Data Protection page.

Yours sincerely
KOBOLD Messring GmbH

Money web

In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle
duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.RekenvoorbeeldDe
familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer.
Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil
zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer
opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.Jan en Anita willen meer
financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer
er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te
lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.Lening vormenDoorlopend kredietWat
is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode
meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de
kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder
boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet
hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke
maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen
over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal
een eigen bankpasOversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of
misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige
krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles
dan op één handig overzicht.Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u
geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het
toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is
afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de
aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan
voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra
financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te
breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.Persoonlijke leningWat is een
persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de
beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit,
weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een
looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en
een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort.
Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In
tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw
rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan
een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels?
Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld
nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke
lening voor u een oplossing!Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast
rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijdVaste renteWanneer de rente
stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit
geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft
ongewijzigd.Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van
tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld
afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is
afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke
lening.SpaarkredietEen spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een
kapitaalverzekering.Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks
een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen
rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de
gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast
betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze
verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt
met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De
uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk
van de koersontwikkeling.RentekredietEen rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor
particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is
dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen.
Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm
wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een
verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur
verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost
immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65
jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale
dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.



In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.

Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.

Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English

Analog thermal mass flow controller Sierra Instruments

Our 100 Series family of mass flow controllers are one of our finest technical achievements in over 35 years in the mass flow instrumentation business. Our 100 Series is designed so the physics are correct! Our 100 Series Premium Digital family is made up of our flagship Smart-Trak® Model 100 , our highly engineered ultra-low flow solution Micro-Trak™ Model 101 and our NEMA 6 & IP67 industrial MFC, the Max-Trak™ Model 180 . Excellent accuracy and repeatability coupled with unsurpassed instrument stability result from a patented, inherently linear design, advanced platinum sensor technology, and a valve that is strong, flexible and forgiving. Our 100 Series family of instruments has raised the bar and set a higher standard in the Performance MFC marketplace.


- Accuracy of +/- 1% of full scale
- Accuracy of +/- 0.7% of reading +.3% of FS
- 316 stainless steel construction
- Flow ranges from 0 to 10 sccm to 0 to 1000 slpm.
- Fast-response control valve
- True digital performance with great flexibility
- “Primary Standard” calibration& NIST traceability
- Dial-A-Gas® Technology: 10 pre-programmed gases come standard
- Small footprint makes drop-in replacement easy
- Single-sided 24 VDC power supply
- CE approval
- MAX TRAK is Industry’s only NEMA 6/IP67 industrial MFC provides wash down protection eliminating secondary enclosures
-- MICRO-TRAK Suitable for most gases with flow rates down to 0.1 sccm

18 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba

PEI-Genesis Offers ITT VEAM Rail-Industry Connectors with 48-hour Assembly Service

PEI-Genesis Offers ITT VEAM Rail-Industry Connectors with 48-hour Assembly Service (Formerly Litton Connectors)

VEAM CIR connector

VEAM connectors (formerly Litton-Veam) assembled in 48 hours.
PEI-Genesis is the world largest distributor of ITT’s VEAM CIR and VEAM FR CIR (fire retardant) connector series of multipin circular connectors. Now engineers and buyers in the rail sector obtain the exact connector for their requirement in the shortest possible time and without the burden of minimum order quantities; PEI-Genesis will happily build just one connector if that is all you need

VEAM CIR Series Connectors
The basic design parameters of the VEAM CIR series were derived from the MIL-C-5015 military specification and enhanced by the addition of a positive-lock/quick-disconnect bayonet coupling mechanism. High shock and vibration resistance is achieved without the need for lock wires, and the connectors are rated for a minimum of 2000 couplings. VEAM CIR connectors are available in an enormous range of styles, shell sizes and contact arrangements and can be supplied in a wide variety of materials and finishes to suit the demands of each particular application. It’s also intermateable with VG95234.

Add-ons for Veam Cir ConnectorsVEAM CIR series connectors for railroad industry
ITT Cannon’s VEAM CIR connectors can also be specified with various inserts to meet low-smoke/zero-halogen requirements and provide superior resistance to fuel oils, solvents and elevated temperatures. For more details, call PEI-Genesis and talk to one of our applications engineers.

To check our inventory, input a part number in the bar above.

To order a VEAM CIR Catalog, click here.

View specifications from the PEI-Genesis ITT Cannon VEAM CIR Catalog


60 MHz, 25 Gsamples/s Digital Storage Oscilloscope

60 MHz

Sample Rate:

25 GS/s channel

Record Length:

125 k/CH


Pulse Width, TV Line, Event Delay, Time Delay

WAV. Signal Process:

CH1+CH2, CH1-CH2, FFT, Go/NoGo


USB, Printer Port, RS-232C, Go/NoGo Output, GPIB (optional)

The OD-576 60 MHz bandwidth with a Mono LCD display, are designed and built to meet the demands of a modern DSO in the main stream market today. The Unmatched performance, valued plus features, user-friendly design and versatile interface make OD-570 series a very useful equipment for most of the applications in circuit design, production test, repair service and education lab. With almost everything you could expect from a DSO, OD-570 series provides you the best solution for waveform measurement at a surprisingly affordable price

16 Şubat 2009 Pazartesi

AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) Vergunning.

Dit betekent dat wij als één van de weinigen voldoen aan alle door de AFM gestelde eisen, zoals op deskundigheid en integere bedrijfsvoering. Hierdoor bent u ervan verzekerd dat de investeringen bij GoedInvesteren streng worden gecontroleerd. Hieronder vindt u een afbeelding van de webpagina van de AFM waar onze vergunning op vermeld staat.
De AFM heeft op 10-10-2007 de vergunning aan GoedInvesteren verleend in het kader van de nieuwe wet Wft. Hiermee behoort GoedInvesteren tot de selecte groep van aanbieders van beleggingsobjecten die voldoen aan de eisen van de AFM (6 van de 44 aanvragers).
AFM Vergunning

Wat houdt de AFM vergunning in?

De nieuwe wet Wft is door de regering opgesteld ter bescherming van consumentenbelangen op het gebied van beleggingen. De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) controleert procedures en informatievoorziening nauwlettend. Tevens wordt de financiële vastlegging en verantwoording van de geld- en goederen stromen volgens vaste regels bestudeerd om te controleren of de inleg van investeerders wordt aangewend zoals vermeld in onze beleggingsprospectussen.

De AFM controleert of de gelden naar de juiste rekeningen worden overgemaakt. Ook de reservering voor onderhoud bij Stichting GoedInvesteren wordt op die manier streng gecontroleerd. De controle op financiële zekerheid, transparantie en zorgplicht vallen onder het doorlopend toezicht van de AFM. Deze controle wordt periodiek gedaan onder andere om te controleren of alle investeringen op de juiste wijze worden gebruikt. Overigens heeft GoedInvesteren de laagste overheadkosten. Wij besteden dus extra veel geld aan uw bomen en het onderhoud.

Wat ook erg belangrijk is dat de AFM controleert of de aanbieder alles met betrekking tot de plantage in overeenkomsten heeft vastgelegd. Alle zaken die betrekking hebben op bedrijfsvoering, financiën en onderhoud moeten duidelijk vastgelegd zijn. Een jaarlijks verplicht gestelde controle van de plantages door een onafhankelijke taxateur maakt daar onderdeel vanuit. Van deze jaarlijkse taxaties ontvangt u als investeerder elk jaar een afschrift zodat u exact weet hoe uw investering erbij staat.

Hoe kan ik controleren of een aanbieder een vergunning heeft?

Er zijn tot nu toe slechts 6 van de 44 aanvragers in onze branche die een vergunning hebben gekregen. Er zijn nog maar een paar aanvragen in behandeling, de rest is al afgewezen, dus veel vergunningen zullen er niet meer bijkomen. Dat maar weinig aanbieders deze vergunning hebben verkregen was te verwachten en geeft u als investeerder nu eindelijk de mogelijkheid om een duidelijk onderscheid te kunnen maken tussen gecontroleerde en niet-gecontroleerde aanbieders. Degenen die geen vergunning krijgen, mogen namelijk niet meer doorgaan met verkopen van hun investeringsprojecten onder de Wft. Vraagt u dan ook altijd of de aanbieder waarmee u in zee wilt gaan beschikt over een AFM vergunning. Of bel de AFM op tel.nr. 0900-540 0540.

Kan een bedrijf zonder vergunning toch investeringen aanbieden?

Er is helaas nog een gat in de wetgeving die verkoop zonder enig toezicht (!!) onder bepaalde voorwaarden mogelijk maakt! Dit is de zogenoemde vrijstellingregeling. Door gebruik (lees: misbruik) van deze regeling te maken wordt men totaal niet gecontroleerd op financiële huishouding, deskundigheid, bedrijfsvoering, etc! En men ‘mag’ (kan) ook alles beweren wat men maar wil! Daarom vindt u vaak bij de partijen zonder vergunning zeer hoge rendementen zonder goede onderbouwing!
Met name in de vastgoed wordt van deze vrijstelling al veel gebruik van gemaakt. Slechts 10 van de 90 vastgoedprojecten heeft een vergunning.

In de vrijstellingsregeling staat dat men niet onder de Wft valt als een bedrijf investeringsprojecten aanbiedt waarbij een investeerder minimaal € 50.000 moet investeren om te kunnen deelnemen. De AFM is – net als GoedInvesteren - niet gelukkig met deze regeling. De AFM controleert de wetgeving maar stelt deze niet op, dat doet de overheid. De gedachte achter deze regel is dat mensen die € 50.000 kunnen investeren zelf wel kunnen (laten) controleren met wie ze in zee gaan. Echter de ervaring leert, dat dit niet zo werkt in de praktijk omdat de drempel veel te laag is. Begin oktober zijn hier kamervragen over gesteld.
Een andere vrijstellingsmogelijkheid is de grens van maximaal € 2.500.000 per jaar en per project. Door regelmatig ‘nieuwe‘ relatief kleine projecten aan te bieden kan men toch nog steeds veel geld bij investeerders ophalen, zonder enige verantwoording te hoeven afleggen aan wie dan ook. Er is dus totaal geen controle (ook niet door de AFM).

GoedInvesteren dringt er bij de overheid en de AFM op aan dat deze gaten in de wetgeving, snel worden gedicht. Aanbieders die gebruik maken van deze vrijstellingsmogelijkheden staan nergens geregistreerd en staan niet onder vergunning en controle van de AFM. Investeerders blijven hierdoor grote risico's lopen en worden al gauw de dupe van dubieuze aanbieders, zoals de vastgoed aanbieders die recentelijk in het nieuws waren.


60 MHz, 25 Gsamples/s Digital Storage Oscilloscope

60 MHz

Sample Rate:

25 GS/s channel

Record Length:

125 k/CH


Pulse Width, TV Line, Event Delay, Time Delay

WAV. Signal Process:

CH1+CH2, CH1-CH2, FFT, Go/NoGo


USB, Printer Port, RS-232C, Go/NoGo Output, GPIB (optional)

The OD-576 60 MHz bandwidth with a Mono LCD display, are designed and built to meet the demands of a modern DSO in the main stream market today. The Unmatched performance, valued plus features, user-friendly design and versatile interface make OD-570 series a very useful equipment for most of the applications in circuit design, production test, repair service and education lab. With almost everything you could expect from a DSO, OD-570 series provides you the best solution for waveform measurement at a surprisingly affordable price


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Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 30 System

Adding a
Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system
lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to
PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.
You can compare one component
with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and
scan up to 128 pins.
Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access
Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB.
This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can
connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common
ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the
connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would
provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.
Note: The
ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S
effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales

II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance
their test capabilities.

By kuzey....

  • The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability
    to the Tracker Model 30
  • All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
  • The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels
    are combined
  • The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
  • The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
  • Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the
    available number of test pins

Selecting Accessories for your Scanner

The Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit
board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want
included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and
cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout
cable. Details on these accessories are provided on this

11 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba

cooling tunnel

Process-related facility systems

Process-related facility systems often call for customized system solutions since different products need different conditions of manufacture and storage. That's why caverion provides not only standard system solutions but also custom-made ones, because the most suitable solution cannot be ready-made!

Whether your production or activity requires particular ambient conditions or a super-clean working environment, or it has to comply with safety or environmental regulations – we look for the best solution together with you. Benefit from our know-ho

7 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi


Schnell ist es passiert. Kein Geld um finanzielle Forderungen zu erfüllen, beispielsweise die Telefonrechnung. Das reicht aus und schon hat man einen negativen Eintrag in seiner SCHUFA-Akte. Die schufa (Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung) ist ein Kreditbüro, das von den Kreditgebern zum Beispiel Kreditinstituten, getragen wird. Ihr Ziel ist es Kreditgeber vor finanziellen Ausfällen zu bewahren, indem sie die Informationen sammelt, die für die Einschätzung der Kreditwürdigkeit von Personen von Belang sein könnenMit einem negativen Eintrag in die SCHUFA-Akte kann man meist bei inländischen Kreditinstituten keinen Kredit mehr erhalten. Die Lösung ist der so genannte "Schweizer Kredit". Hier wird ein Kredit auch trotz schufa gewährt. Das Kreditinstitut hat den Sitz in der Schweiz. Diese schufafreien Kredite werden über Vermittlungsfirmen vermittelt, und es wird keine Einsicht in die SCHUFA-Akte verlangt. Auch wer selbstständig arbeitet oder arbeitslos ist hat hier die Möglichkeit einen Kredit aufzunehmen, obwohl er nur in einem engen Rahmen sein Einkommen belegen könnte. Oftmals werden schufafreie ratenkredite in Anspruch genommen, die in monatlichen festgelegten Raten zurück bezahlt werden. Hier muss man allerdings im Normalfall mit höheren Zinsen rechnen, als es bei einem Kredit mit Einsicht in die SCHUFA-Akte der Fall wäre. Der Kreditgeber geht ein höheres Risiko ein und das spiegelt sich meist in den höheren Zinsen wider.Die Gründe weshalb man einen Kredit aufnehmen möchte sind vielseitig. Wichtig ist es für den Kreditnehmer jedoch, sich über seinen finanziellen Rahmen im Klaren zu sein. Er muss vorher genau prüfen, ob er in der Zukunft in der Lage sein wird, den aufgenommenen kredit auch wieder abzubezahlen. Ansonsten läuft man Gefahr, in noch größere finanzielle Probleme zu geraten, anstatt seine Probleme zu lösen. Ein gründlicher Vergleich zwischen Kreditangeboten ist also dringend anzuraten, damit nichts der Umsetzung seines Projekts im Wege steht.


You can count on FCI, as a leader in flex circuit connectors, for the most innovative and complete range of products in the industry. FCI offers products in LIF (low insertion force) and ZIF (zero insertion force), top and bottom contact options, vertical and right angle orientations, surface mount and through hole terminations in contact spacing options all the way down to 0.3mm with finer pitch products on their way. Additional features, such as optional cable locks and additional mounting devices, insure that FCI has a solution for almost any application, no matter how demanding.

As your connection to innovation, FCI continues to bring you unique solutions that not only give you the footprint you need but help to maximize the quality level of your application. Many of our flex circuit connectors offer ZIF with prehold, which applies a small retention force on the cable to hold it in place until the actuator is locked. FCI introduced the first flex connector with a back side flip actuator that allows the user to insert the flex cable and lock the actuator with one hand. FCI improved that feature on many products by modifying the connector housing to provide visual confirmation that the flex cable is mated properly. FCI was also the company that first brought you the option of an FFC/FPC connector under 1mm in height. These features combine to insure your application has the highest quality possible when it leaves your site.


You can count on FCI, as a leader in flex circuit connectors, for the most innovative and complete range of products in the industry. FCI offers products in LIF (low insertion force) and ZIF (zero insertion force), top and bottom contact options, vertical and right angle orientations, surface mount and through hole terminations in contact spacing options all the way down to 0.3mm with finer pitch products on their way. Additional features, such as optional cable locks and additional mounting devices, insure that FCI has a solution for almost any application, no matter how demanding.

As your connection to innovation, FCI continues to bring you unique solutions that not only give you the footprint you need but help to maximize the quality level of your application. Many of our flex circuit connectors offer ZIF with prehold, which applies a small retention force on the cable to hold it in place until the actuator is locked. FCI introduced the first flex connector with a back side flip actuator that allows the user to insert the flex cable and lock the actuator with one hand. FCI improved that feature on many products by modifying the connector housing to provide visual confirmation that the flex cable is mated properly. FCI was also the company that first brought you the option of an FFC/FPC connector under 1mm in height. These features combine to insure your application has the highest quality possible when it leaves your site.


Krediet Direct is de Online Supermarkt voor krediet en wij zijn van mening dat u zonder bezoek thuis uw krediet kunt samenstellen.

Het is een nieuw concept op het gebied van krediet via internet in Nederland. U kiest afhankelijk van uw aankoop de gewenste lening en vervolgens kiest u voor een Persoonlijke Lening of een Doorlopend Krediet (behalve in de rubriek minder dan € 3.000).
U kunt vrijblijvend de verschillende verzekeringen (met maandelijkse premie) die bij u passen, afsluiten.

U krijgt zonder uw persoonlijke gegevens in te vullen een offerte die u zelf kunt printen.
Als u met de offerte akkoord gaat, vult u het aanvraagformulier in.

Na enkele minuten, krijgt u een antwoord online. Als uw aanvraag goedgekeurd is, kunt u zelf uw contract uitprinten.
Het Krediet Direct Idee

De online supermarkt voor krediet

Flexibele financieringen aangepast aan uw besteding.

Online gratis offerte in 10 seconden zonder uw gegevens in te vullen.

U doet zelf uw aanvraag thuis, u print zelf uw contract.

U krijgt geen bezoek thuis.

100% Nederlandse maatschappij binnen één van de grootste Europese spelers (Crédit Agricole Group).


Im Juni 1999 übernimmt die Postbank die DSL Bank. Postbank und Bundesfinanzministerium verständigen sich über den Verkauf der Anteile des Bundes an der DSL Bank an die Postbank..

Durch die Partnerschaft der Postbank mit der Deutschen Post, die 100 Prozent der Postbank Aktien hält, verfügt sie über das dichteste Filialnetz aller Banken in Deutschland. Herzstück sind rund 850 Filialen der Deutschen Post. Insgesamt stehen den Kunden über 4.300 speziell geschulte Finanzdienstleistungsberater Rede und Antwort. .

Am 18. September 2006 wurde die Postbank in den DAX®, dem Aktienindex der 30 bedeutendsten deutschen börsennotierten Unternehmen aufgenommen.

Der Fokus der Postbank liegt auf dem Retail Banking. Dies bezeichnet Bangeschäfte mit dem Endkunden. Schon sprichwörtlich ist die strikte Kostenkultur der Postbank. Alle Produkte werden dezentral und standardisiert erstellt. Ziel ist die Kostenführerschaft zum Vorteil aller Postbankkunden.
Unternehmensprofil der Postbank:

Aktuell, bietet Ihnen die Postbank über das Internet einen zu folgenden Konditionen an:
Postbank - Online-Kredit:ab 4.44%efefktiver jahrenszins
Kreditbetrag:von 2.500,00 € bis 50.000,00 €
Laufzeiten:von 12 bis 84 Monate
Voraussetzungen:Sie sind volljährig Sie sind Arbeitnehmer Sie sind seit mindestens 6 Monaten bei Ihrem derzeitigen Arbeitgeber tätig und nicht selbständig keine negative Schufa


You are visiting this site because you love the sunshine of Arizona, golf or luxury homes or most likely because you have a passion for Arizona luxury golf homes. It is the Arizona sunshine that has determined the Northeast Valley's active lifestyle with more than 200 unique golf courses within a 45-minute drive. Most of our amazing Arizona luxury homes take advantage of year-round outdoor living with beautiful courtyards, resort backyards, and incredible views of the many mountains that surround the Valley. It is paradise at its finest.

Our focus is on Arizona golf homes in the luxurious Northeast Valley featuring luxury homes in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Fountain Hills and Carefree/Cave Creek. AZ luxury golf communities of the Northeast Valley feature a wonderful resort lifestyle and people from all over the world flock to Arizona to set up a secondary luxury golf home for vacation or to live permanently. Golfers from around the world have experienced the breathtaking scenery and have titled Arizona Golf Courses their "Favorite Golf Communities". The Northeast Valley has a beckoning call that many perceive to be almost magical.

We have created a site for you that allows you to search for Arizona luxury properties on the MLS system without hassle, check out our featured Arizona luxury golf homes, browse our "top ten" golf community picks and gain information about the services we offer you, some of which may surprise you!

So please take your time, enjoy your visit and come see us soon.


UC4 certified for use with the Avaloq Banking System

UC4 certified for use with the Avaloq Banking System

Automated scheduling of Avaloq Banking System (ABS) and enterprise systems with UC4 Workload Automation Suite

VIENNA, February 3, 2009 – UC4 Software, a leading global provider of workload automation, job scheduling and IT process optimization solutions, today announced the certification of UC4 Workload Automation Suite for use with the Avaloq Banking System (ABS) version 2.6. The companies have also signed a partnership agreement that will enhance Avaloq to refer customers requiring a complementary scheduling and automation solution to UC4 Software.

“The certification of the UC4 adapter enables organisations to utilise a complementary technology that has been successfully tested and validated against our Model Bank environment,” said Adrian Bult, COO, Avaloq Evolution AG. “Joint customers will be able to increase the return on their existing technology investments leveraging a solution that interfaces directly with the Avaloq Banking System.”

Avaloq solutions are changing the IT landscapes within private and retail banks in Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong and other markets. With UC4 Workload Automation Suite enterprises remove manual intervention, reduce latency and mitigate risk from their end-to-end business processes. The UC4 Business Integration for Avaloq communicates directly with ABS through application interfaces, allowing customers to extend the automated scheduling of their core banking systems and integrate with external applications.

UC4 Workload Automation Suite can manage back-end processing for ABS and all other surrounding systems that many finance institutes rely on. Avaloq users receive regular software updates which support banks in remaining compliant with industry regulations. When utilizing additional tools it is important that Avaloq users work with solutions that are compatible and certified for use with Avaloq. This reduces maintenance and support issues and allows joint customers to benefit from the enterprise wide visibility and control provided by UC4.

“It gives UC4 great pleasure to extend its relationship with Avaloq,” said Cesare Capobianco, chief executive officer, UC4 Software. “We have benefited from an excellent working partnership working towards receiving this certification. It has allowed us to develop an interface that is compliant with Avaloq’s technical specifications, which also delivers measurable business value to our joint customers.”

About Avaloq
The Avaloq Group, with branches in Luxembourg and Singapore, is the Swiss market leader in the field of standard banking software. For over a decade, the Swiss company has been developing and marketing the Avaloq Banking System. It is trusted by leading financial service providers in private, retail and universal banking in international financial centres around the globe. A network of specialists with first-class partners in the areas of implementation, software, service and technology enables Avaloq to offer its clients a comprehensive all-in-one solution – a modular, innovative and integrated standard software for the financial sector. Avaloq is owned by its management and employees.

About UC4 Software
UC4 Software is a leading global provider of workload automation, job scheduling and IT process optimization solutions that ensure core business processes and enterprise information systems run faster, more accurately and without interruption. More than 1,600 companies worldwide have successfully enhanced application processing performance and improved IT efficiency using UC4’s business acceleration solutions. Customers include American Suzuki Motor Corporation, Cadbury, eBay, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, Mattel, McGraw Hill, Panasonic, Robert Bosch, Sun Microsystems, Symantec, T-Systems and Verizon.



IBM Cognos 8 Controller provides Finance organizations with unmatched capabilities for managing the close, consolidation, and reporting process. An automated, menu-driven application that is owned and managed by Finance, IBM Cognos 8 Controller can consolidate diverse ledgers representing thousands of operating units and accounts into a common chart-of-accounts structure.

IBM Cognos 8 Controller reduces close cycle times and gives you the transparency that is essential for sustained compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and IFRS. It supports local, regional, or global requirements, and enables you to adapt to business and regulatory changes in real time.

What IBM Cognos 8 Controller Offers to Finance Leaders
IBM Cognos 8 Controller offers critical benefits for the key members of your finance team—and for the CIO, who needs to ensure compatibility with existing IT investments:

  • For Corporate Controllers: IBM Cognos 8 Controller enables the corporate controller to automate the entire close process, from data collection to financial consolidation to output. Close cycle times are reduced while data integrity is assured.
  • For the CFO: IBM Cognos 8 Controller reduces risk and provides the CFO with an enterprise view of key financial ratios and results. Greater visibility improves strategic decision making across the organization, while the high quality of financial results eases external reporting and compliance.
  • For the CIO: IBM Cognos 8 Controller allows the CIO to leverage current IT investments while ensuring that centralized systems meet the demand for secure and reliable data. And it offers the opportunity for performance management standardization from a single vendor, with enterprise planning and business intelligence across a single architecture and platform.

IBM Cognos 8 Controller is the only solution that includes more than 200 pre-configured, standard reports to satisfy the demands of management and regulators. All the reports required at key stages of the close process are available automatically—no custom report creation is needed.

In addition, IBM Cognos 8 Controller is seamlessly integrated with IBM Cognos 8 Planning and IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence. It enables performance management to be integrated at the data, security and process level—all at a low total cost of ownership.

Learn more:


1. WHITE HEAVEN (Charter/Motor yachts)...ccomodation for 6 guests. Savour the delicious mediterranean cuisine prepared with Italian flair by the yacht's chef . White Havens professional friendly crew are eager to welcome you on board. ...2. French Riviera, Corsica and Sardinia : 10-Day Cruise (Destinations/Itineraries)The true birth-place of private luxury yachting, still remains an irresistible area to plan your ideal cruise. Incorporating Monaco, the Côte d’Azur, Corsica, Sardinia and its satellite i3. Classic Greece : 8-Day Cruise (Destinations/Itineraries)Explore the Greek Islands aboard your yacht. Reward yourself as you experience the natural beauty of Greek Island beaches bordered by sparkling crystal clear Mediterranean waters in a world full of a4. AVELLA (Charter/Motor yachts)... Under recent new ownership, this immaculate 33.5m Azimut goes from strength to strength. The yacht provides very spacious accommodation for 8 guests in a master stateroom on the main deck;...5. DJANGO-TOO (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...6. HAIDA G (ex ROSENKAVALIER) (Charter/Motor yachts)...Various water toys TV and Hi-Fi throughout Very few yachts instill such emotive feelings as seeing the stunning 71m "HAIDA G" enter port....7. NO LIMIT (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...8. SEDATION II (Charter/Motor yachts)...TBC) Full scuba diving equipment and compressor (spec TBC) Outdoor cinema (spec TBC) This brand new yacht from the world acclaimed Heesen Shipyard is at the pinnacle of performance and design inn...9. SQUEAK (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...10. PARSIFAL III (Charter/Sailing Yachts)... complemented by natural textures and textiles that give this ultra modern yacht a warm, inviting and restful feeling. ...11. PERSEUS (Charter/Motor yachts)... In the world of motor yachting, the Falcon 100 class is deservedly a byword for stylistic and technical excellence. ...12. PANDORA (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...13. O'RION (Charter/Motor yachts)...) Generators: 2 x deutz 95 kW plus 1 Iveco 25 kW Electricity: 220V Ac - 24 VDC Classification: ABS A2 Yachting Service Number of guests: 12 Number of crew: 8 ...14. O'PTASIA (Charter/Motor yachts)...nslated in Greek as "vision". The Owners intentionally selected this name as they wanted the yacht to have a name that would reflect its elegance and luxury. The O'PTASIA will feature ...15. O'PARI (Charter/Motor yachts)...U Generators: 2 X 30 kW ONAN plus 1 x 20 kW ONAN Electricity: 220 V AC - 24 V Dc Classification BS A2 Yachting Service Number of guests: 12 Number of crew: 12 ...16. O'MEGA (Charter/Motor yachts)... The 83 meter Motor Yacht O'MEGA, fit to accommodate and entertain up to 32 guests in 1 Master, 1 Upper VIP, 4 ...17. O'CEANOS (Charter/Motor yachts)... The fabulous motor yacht O' Ceanos, 49 meters of excellence in engineering and design fitted with Italy's ...18. NEW CENTURY (Charter/Motor yachts)...A large Jacuzzi on top/sundeck with bar and dining facilities together with assorted toys is the perfect yacht for entertaining and outdoor activities. Accommodation for 10 guests in a large maste...19. MALTESE FALCON (Charter/Sailing Yachts)... to experience the Maltese Falcon under sail. The 88 meter clipper Maltese Falcon is the largest sailing yacht in the world and in a breeze her immense DynaRig powers her to record shattering speeds. ...20. LADY LAUREN (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...21. CHRISTINA O (Charter/Motor yachts)...one would expect in any five star hotel today. Following her refit she is one of the very few ex-private yachts that is now legally capable of international cruising with up to 36 passengers. Corporat...22. STARFIRE (Charter/Motor yachts)...agination ignite aboard Starfire ... She stands as the benchmark for comparison in the international yachting industry, a luminous example of the perfect harmony of design and technology. Its lush...23. TURAMA (Charter/Motor yachts)...guests, the MV TURAMA is especially equipped to make the most special occasion even more memorable. This yacht is uniquely designed for private cruising and is the ideal venue for special corporate ev...24. ARKTOS (Charter/Motor yachts)...ooden schooner made of teak and iroko and is one of the finest designs of Greek craftsmanship. The yacht consesist of large staterooms and the interior is very nicely decorated with fine furnish...25. ARKTOS (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...ooden schooner made of teak and iroko and is one of the finest designs of Greek craftsmanship. The yacht consesist of large staterooms and the interior is very nicely decorated with fine furnish...26. CARMEN FONTANA (Charter/Motor yachts)...rculation Internal communication and International calls access (via Satellite or Mobile) throughout the yacht Internet access available from the master study room Satellite TV, DVD player, stereo sys...27. ALEXANDER (Charter/Motor yachts)...es, the Alexander's luxurious atmosphere achieves its tradition as a truly exclusive ocean-going megayacht. Whilst the vessel has guest accommodation for up to 84 persons, due to the configuration...28. CARMEN SERENA (Charter/Motor yachts)...ion •Internal communication and International calls access (via Satellite or Mobile) throughout the yacht •Internet access available from the master study room •Satellite TV, DVD playe...29. ABILITY (Charter/Motor yachts)...illar 3512B Jacuzzi Turkish Bath * AUDIO/VISUAL * State of the art A-V systems throughout the yacht ACCOMMODATION WATER SPORTS Master suite (which has own private seaview terr...30. ALEXANDRA (Charter/Motor yachts)...wide window openings of M/Y ALEXANDRA are typical of the Benetti style and the interior is a true custom yacht achievement with the signatures of Terence Disdale for design and Alan Jones,,,alıntı,,,


Luxury Air Jets provides a full spectrum of private aviation services to people who can’t afford to waste time. We provide private jet charter flights to nearly every destination in the world on corporate jets. By using our private jet or executive jet charter services, you will avoid giant commercial airports, security lines, baggage check lines, and delayed flights. Private jet charter is with no doubt the future in private aviation. That is why we made air charter services our specialty.
AIRCRAFT CHARTER - Only Four-Hour Notice!
Among the benefits you get when you charter private jets, executive jet aircraft, or any luxury aircraft with us:
*When you charter private jets, you pay No monthly fees, No membership costs, and No long-term investment on any charter flights.
*20-30% saving on jet charter when compared to fractional program companies.
*Only four-hour notice required for all charter jet and travel arrangements.
*Access to 3,500 executive jet aircraft and helicopters in over 6,000 airports worldwide.
*The highest ARG/US certifications for all our aircraft.
*24-hour personalized concierge service monitoring all charter flights

Luxury Air Jets provides a full spectrum of private aviation services to people who can’t afford to waste time. We provide private jet charter flights to nearly every destination in the world on corporate jets. By using our private jet or executive jet charter services, you will avoid giant commercial airports, security lines, baggage check lines, and delayed flights. Private jet charter is with no doubt the future in private aviation. That is why we made air charter services our specialty.
AIRCRAFT CHARTER - Only Four-Hour Notice!
Among the benefits you get when you charter private jets, executive jet aircraft, or any luxury aircraft with us:
*When you charter private jets, you pay No monthly fees, No membership costs, and No long-term investment on any charter flights.
*20-30% saving on jet charter when compared to fractional program companies.
*Only four-hour notice required for all charter jet and travel arrangements.
*Access to 3,500 executive jet aircraft and helicopters in over 6,000 airports worldwide.
*The highest ARG/US certifications for all our aircraft.
*24-hour personalized concierge service monitoring all charter flights.
AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT - Protect Your Investment!
Our services include:
*Aircraft Storage, Maintenance, Inspection, and Supplemental Aircraft.
*Key bi-Coastal Locations.
*Aircraft Maintenance & Inspection Monitoring to assure peak condition
*The highest approval ratings from ARG/US.
*Full Cycle Recruitment and training of professional flight crew.
*Concierge service - All our associates receive extensive professional training
*All Administrative Responsibilities - monthly accounting and financial reporting.
*Centralized Dispatching & Flight Scheduling - Dedicated 24-hour flight coordination.
*Fleet Discount Programs for aircraft parts, maintenance, and insurance.
*Jet A and 100LL Fuel - LAJ negotiated savings on fuel pricing and FBO services.
*Jet Charter sales - to maximize your aircraft’s revenue potential.
*Additional Services include Full Catering, Cabin Attendants, International Flight Planning, Crew internet access, Ground transportation for guests and crew, Cabin Cleaning Services and de-icing.
AIRCRAFT SALES - Not publicly available
*Expert aircraft sourcing worldwide.
*Corporate jets, executive jets, and private jets selection tailored to your needs.
*Years of Long-Established Relationships.
*Full analysis of your needs and requirements.
*Access to an exclusive private listing of new aircraft.
*Immediate delivery.
*We are members in good standing with all industry safety and auditing organizations. In this regard, we have aligned ourselves with industry titans such as ARG/US®, NATA® and NATA First®. Compliance with TSA as well as local and federal law enforcement agency regulations further ensure your personal security and safety while using our air charter service.
Our 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week/ 365 days a year concierges are trained to exceed your expectations for all Jet charter flights, and show you the luxury of flying with us when you charter a private jet, a corporate jet, or an executive jet.
Our clients include: heads of states, world leaders, entertainment celebrities, high net-worth individuals and their families, and corporate key personnel.
Our trip-type include: world tours, business travel, industry travel, personal travel, celebrity travel,


Luxury Air Jets provides a full spectrum of private aviation services to people who can’t afford to waste time. We provide private jet charter flights to nearly every destination in the world on corporate jets. By using our private jet or executive jet charter services, you will avoid giant commercial airports, security lines, baggage check lines, and delayed flights. Private jet charter is with no doubt the future in private aviation. That is why we made air charter services our specialty.
AIRCRAFT CHARTER - Only Four-Hour Notice!
Among the benefits you get when you charter private jets, executive jet aircraft, or any luxury aircraft with us:
*When you charter private jets, you pay No monthly fees, No membership costs, and No long-term investment on any charter flights.
*20-30% saving on jet charter when compared to fractional program companies.
*Only four-hour notice required for all charter jet and travel arrangements.
*Access to 3,500 executive jet aircraft and helicopters in over 6,000 airports worldwide.
*The highest ARG/US certifications for all our aircraft.
*24-hour personalized concierge service monitoring all charter flights

Luxury Air Jets provides a full spectrum of private aviation services to people who can’t afford to waste time. We provide private jet charter flights to nearly every destination in the world on corporate jets. By using our private jet or executive jet charter services, you will avoid giant commercial airports, security lines, baggage check lines, and delayed flights. Private jet charter is with no doubt the future in private aviation. That is why we made air charter services our specialty.
AIRCRAFT CHARTER - Only Four-Hour Notice!
Among the benefits you get when you charter private jets, executive jet aircraft, or any luxury aircraft with us:
*When you charter private jets, you pay No monthly fees, No membership costs, and No long-term investment on any charter flights.
*20-30% saving on jet charter when compared to fractional program companies.
*Only four-hour notice required for all charter jet and travel arrangements.
*Access to 3,500 executive jet aircraft and helicopters in over 6,000 airports worldwide.
*The highest ARG/US certifications for all our aircraft.
*24-hour personalized concierge service monitoring all charter flights.
AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT - Protect Your Investment!
Our services include:
*Aircraft Storage, Maintenance, Inspection, and Supplemental Aircraft.
*Key bi-Coastal Locations.
*Aircraft Maintenance & Inspection Monitoring to assure peak condition
*The highest approval ratings from ARG/US.
*Full Cycle Recruitment and training of professional flight crew.
*Concierge service - All our associates receive extensive professional training
*All Administrative Responsibilities - monthly accounting and financial reporting.
*Centralized Dispatching & Flight Scheduling - Dedicated 24-hour flight coordination.
*Fleet Discount Programs for aircraft parts, maintenance, and insurance.
*Jet A and 100LL Fuel - LAJ negotiated savings on fuel pricing and FBO services.
*Jet Charter sales - to maximize your aircraft’s revenue potential.
*Additional Services include Full Catering, Cabin Attendants, International Flight Planning, Crew internet access, Ground transportation for guests and crew, Cabin Cleaning Services and de-icing.
AIRCRAFT SALES - Not publicly available
*Expert aircraft sourcing worldwide.
*Corporate jets, executive jets, and private jets selection tailored to your needs.
*Years of Long-Established Relationships.
*Full analysis of your needs and requirements.
*Access to an exclusive private listing of new aircraft.
*Immediate delivery.
*We are members in good standing with all industry safety and auditing organizations. In this regard, we have aligned ourselves with industry titans such as ARG/US®, NATA® and NATA First®. Compliance with TSA as well as local and federal law enforcement agency regulations further ensure your personal security and safety while using our air charter service.
Our 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week/ 365 days a year concierges are trained to exceed your expectations for all Jet charter flights, and show you the luxury of flying with us when you charter a private jet, a corporate jet, or an executive jet.
Our clients include: heads of states, world leaders, entertainment celebrities, high net-worth individuals and their families, and corporate key personnel.
Our trip-type include: world tours, business travel, industry travel, personal travel, celebrity travel,


Relax and enjoy, we take care of therest...ent a furnished luxury villa in Cannes and on the French Riviera. We have created this new concept which does not only provide a property but also all the services required to make your stay with us a perfect moment. In fact, we believe that the true essence of luxury and comfort today is to have a “home” in any country you visit. 5 star hotels try to make this true, but honestly, even a presidential suite does not provide the flexibility, comfort and privacy, which some of our properties naturally have. Therefore, all our rentals include a personalized welcome service, a conciergerie service available over the phone with access to professional nannies, butlers, private chefs, driver service and many more. Needless to say that we also provide the cleaning service and all the needed linen and towels during your stay. This magnificent and elegant "Belle Epoque" villa is located in the very centre of Cannes on the French Riviera. Superbly situated just 10 minutes walk to the beaches of Cannes, the Croisette and the Palais des Festivals, home of the world famous Cannes Film Festival and just 30 minutes drive from Nice International Airport.


Pyramid Hotel Group LLC (Pyramid), a Boston-based hotel development, management and ownership firm, today announced that Mr. Davis Sezna has joined the firm as president of La Quinta Resort & Club(R) and PGA WEST (R). In his new role, Sezna is responsible for asset management and community relations for both Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund assets.
consulting firm focused on restaurant, golf course, private club, hotel design, master planning and development. He has spent 35 years developing, owning and operating hotels, golf courses and restaurants. "Mr. Sezna's vast and wide-ranging set of experiences make him uniquely qualified for this critical role." states Richard M. Kelleher, chairman and chief executive officer of Pyramid. "He will be representing Morgan Stanley's and Pyramid's interests in the further development and enhancement of these two remarkable, one-of-a-kind assets. We're proud to have someone of his professional distinction on our team." "I am struck by the sense of place, history and community evident in both La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West. It will be an honor to be associated with these magnificent resorts. I have never before seen facilities with more ingredients, texture and just pure sensory energy. The chance to be associated with Pyramid and Morgan Stanley was also a significant factor in my decision to take on this responsibility," stated Sezna. La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West are owned by Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund (MSREF) in partnership with Pyramid, as part of a portfolio of luxury resorts, recently acquired from CNL Hotels and Resorts, Inc. Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund is comprised of three major global businesses: Investing, banking and lending. Since 1991, the company has acquired $135.9 billion of real estate assets world-wide and currently manages $68.0 billion in real estate assets on behalf of its clients. A complete range of market-leading investment banking services for real estate clients, include advice on strategy, mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, as well as underwriting public debt, private debt and equity financings. As a global leader in real estate lending, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund has offered approximately $156.0 billion of CMBS through capital markets since 1997, including $35.5 billion in 2006. For more information about Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund, please visit www.morganstanley.com/realestate. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking securities, investment management and wealth management services. The Firms employees serve clients worldwide. Pyramid Hotel Group LLC, founded in 1999, is a full-service hotel company that owns, manages and asset manages hotels and hotel construction and renovation projects. For more information about the company and its affiliates, visit the company
Pyramid Hotel GroupJohn GreenSenior Vice President, Operations EastMr. Green brings over 30 years of hospitality experience to the Pyramid Hotel Group team. His ten year tenure with Wyndham International included five years as Area Director of Operations Northeast supervising as many as 19 hotels in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and other domestic and international markets including Montreal, Toronto and Bermuda. General Manager assignments included opening the 4-diamond Wyndham Chicago and the Wyndham Myrtle Beach Oceanfront Golf Resort. Prior to Wyndham, Mr. Green was Vice President Operations for Signature Hospitality Resources and a Regional Vice President Operations for John Q. Hammons Hotels. During the 1980’s Mr. Green served with Doubletree Hotels as General Manager in Scottsdale, AZ, Overland Park, KS and Walnut Creek, CA. Larry VitaglianoSenior Vice President, Operations WestMr. Vitagliano spent 20 years with Doubletree, Hilton, and Promus Hotel companies as a general manager for hotels throughout the country. Property experience includes general manager positions at Doubletree Hotels in Seattle, Tysons Corner, Dallas, and Kansas City. He led the Antlers Doubletree Hotel in Colorado Springs from 1989 to 1995, and has now returned to the property under Pyramid's management. In addition to his general manager position at the Antlers Hilton Colorado Springs, Mr. Vitagliano oversees Pyramid's San Antonio, Texas hotel, the Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk.Alan BednowitzVice President, Sales & MarketingAlan Bednowitz is an accomplished sales and marketing executive with a track record of success at both the property- and corporate-level of hospitality organizations. For more than a decade he was affiliated with Promus Hotel Corporation (and its predecessor companies Doubletree and Guest Quarters), where he rose to the position of senior director, national sales. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotel Group, Mr. Bednowitz was vice president, sales and relationship management for StarCite, Inc., a meeting industry technology company.Edgar NugentVice President, Hotel AccountingMr. Nugent is a senior hospitality executive with more than 25 years of financial management experience. His 20-year tenure with Marriott Corporation took him from Texas to Panama to Saudi Arabia and Germany. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotel Group he was a partner in his own hospitality consulting firm, where he counseled hotel owners and investors seeking development support.Robert DiDucaVice President, Managing DirectorMr. DiDuca has 24 years experience in independent and franchised hotel operations including Marriott, Hilton, Doubletree, and Sheraton. He has also successfully transitioned more than 30 properties to new ownership and management including brand conversions. Renovation responsibilities consisting of over $40 million in project improvement have been executed. Mr. DiDuca, based in Boston, oversees hotels in the Northeast and Michigan and continues with Hotel Transitions.Harry GreenblattVice President, Managing DirectorMr. Greenblatt's nearly 30-year career began as a management trainee with Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Following a decade of food and beverage management experience, he switched to operations and began a lengthy association with Doubletree Hotels. During his 17 years with Doubletree Mr. Greenblatt was GM of the Doubletree Hotel Allen Center and Hotel Post Oak, both in Houston. Today he is general manager of the Houston Marriott Westchase with regional operations responsibility for Pyramid's additional Texas properties.Robert (Tico) Bevier, CHAVice President, Managing Director Mr. Bevier has 25 years of experience in the hospitality field, encompassing food and beverage, rooms, operations, and consulting. His affiliation with Pyramid began in 2003 when he consulted with the company on hotel acquisitions and transitions. His extensive hospitality career started with Hyatt Hotels; moving on to La Mansion Hotels; and then he spent 15 years with Hilton Hotels Corporation, mostly at the Doubletree Hotel New Orleans as General Manager. Immediately prior to joining Pyramid he was President of Expotel Hospitality Services for three years. Mr. Bevier remains in New Orleans with Pyramid, where he is responsible for the Maison Dupuy and the New Orleans Lakeside hotels.George McGannVice President, Managing DirectorGeorge McGann has over 25 years experience in the hotel industry, with over 10 years of this experience as a General Manager. He started his career in the food and beverage discipline, as a trainee for the Hyatt Corporation. Presently, George is General Manager of the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel with regional responsibility for the Pleasanton Crowne Plaza (soon to be Marriott) and the Sonoma County Hilton. He joined Pyramid as the General Manger of the Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotels, George was the General Manager/Complex General Manager for Starwood Hotels for over 7 years.Bruce CarltonArea Managing DirectorBruce has over 25 years of hotel experience holding various positions. After receiving his BSBA Hotel and Restaurant Management from the University of Denver, he completed the Corporate Management Trainee program with Hyatt. Most recently, Bruce was the GM at the Doubletree Hotel San Francisco Airport.Mark FallonArea Managing DirectorMark has over 25 years experience with both upscale independent and branded hotels. He managed the La Mansion Del Rio hotel in San Antonio, TX and then joined the team at Guest Quarters in Boston, MA Following his 11 year association with Guest Quarters, Doubletree, and then Promus, Mark was the opening General Manager at the Mystic Marriott Hotel in Mystic, CT and the Marriott Hartford Downtown at Adriaen's Landing in Hartford, CT. Prior to joining Pyramid, he was VP of Operations for Magna Hospitality Group


Chalet Im Wieselti, near the famous ski resort of Arosa (1800m ) and Weisshorn peak (2653m), offers you both comfortable self catered accommodation and an ideal location from which to experience a wide range of winter or summer sports and outdoor activities in Switzerland.Situated in the alpine village of Langwies amongst the beautiful surroundings of the Schanfigg valley, the Chalet is ideally placed between the cosmopolitan ski resort of Arosa (15 minutes by car) and Chur the historic capital of Graubunden (20 minutes by car). The Chalet is south facing with stunning views across the valley and the famous Langwies viaduct. There is a wide variety of activities to take advantage of: Skiing SnowboardingSledgingSkatingHiking Mountain Biking Sight Seeing Fishing Golf